Many organizations provide funding and resources to support the practice and sharing of traditional arts. Individual artists and interested students can apply for the opportunities below, and SFMS is happy to help.

SFMS has a great track record for helping local artists apply for the Traditional Arts Apprenticeship grants described below. Since the Center was founded in 2022, ALL of our applicants have had their grants funded!
Pictured here, in the top row, are gospel band leader Rev Moses Jackson who is training his bandmate and son Anthony Jackson in leadership skills, and Nepali immigrant Bhagirath Khatiwada who is learning to play the harmonium with master Muskan Balampaki Magar.
In the center and bottom rows are Mary-Grace Lee (left) who is learning Irish traditional music on hammered dulcimer with master Lexie Boatright; multi-media artist Aron Rook (center) who learned how to carve characters in wood from master Jim Hiser; and Irish harp player Mary-Kate Lee (right) who is studying with master Graínne Hambly.
Folk and Traditional Arts Apprenticeships
Are you a skilled practitioner of a traditional art form interested in passing on your traditions? Do you know a skilled practitioner whose art you would like to learn? You may be eligible for an apprenticeship in a traditional art, supported by the PCA.
As a Folk Art Partner with the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, SFMS can help artists in Cumberland, Dauphin, and Lebanon counties apply for the apprenticeship program. Grants are up to $4,000 to cover time and supplies for a master artist working with a qualified apprentice. Take a look at the program guidelines and application, and if the program looks like a good fit for you, reach out to us at to get started.
Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts Project Stream
Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts (PPA) Project Stream program provides grants of up to $2,500 to individuals to conduct arts projects. Projects must be conducted for the benefit of the public.
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation (MAAF)
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation offers a range of grants for artists, in particular, Creative Fellowships and support for artists to perform at international festivals. Check out their database of international festivals.
TRAIN (Teachers Of Remote Arts Instruction Network)
(TRAIN) Teachers of Remote Arts Instruction Network connects students with master musicians, craftspeople and tradition bearers offering online instruction. TRAIN is open to all folk and traditional artists regardless of where they live, and open to students of all skill levels. All instructional arrangements and financial agreements are made exclusively between the artists and the students. TRAIN is free and receives no proceeds from instruction. Check out their pages and pages of artists, including some familiar faces from past Susquehanna Folk seasons!

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